Friday, November 27, 2015

Debugging Flow For A Process

I've been stucked with a job which took a lot longer than what it is suppose to take to complete. A friend of mine shared his gems of tricks on how he troubleshoot it, and with a little bit of tweak to my taste, I've came up with a flow(well, almost all of it still from him :p) which I'm logging it here so that I won't forget it.

#1 Find the offending process id (_pid_)

ps -aux | grep job_name

#2 Look at the entire hierarchy of the pid and look at where it stops

pstree -pulna _pid_

#3 Look at the trace of the running program.

strace -t -s 22222 -p _pid_

#4 Look at the read/write IO activities 

cat /proc/_pid_/io

Useful Links

Friday, November 20, 2015

Quotes Within Quotes In Linux

I keep forgetting this every time even though I have stumbled across this so many times.
I'm now gonna stick this here so that I can refer it back and hopefully remember this for good.

Basically, the idea is to ....
always just replace each embedded single quote with the sequence: '\'' (that is: quote backslash quote quote) or '"'"' , which closes the string, appends an escaped single quote and reopens the string.

Putting the above into a perl script works wonder:
#!/usr/bin/perl -pl
s/'/'\\''/g;    ### or s/'/'"'"'/g;
$_ = qq['$_'];

Thursday, November 19, 2015

Ocean 2nd steroid jab this year

Ocean's gingivitis has come back 3 weeks ago.
It had became worsening until the stage that he hasn't been eating for yhe past 3 day.
We decided to bring him in to Hope Vet for another steroid jab. The previous one he had was slightly 2 months ago.

He has been improving a lot ever since. He even asked for food, which is a good sign. But having steroids every 2 months is really not a good thing for thr organs. We hope that could change.

We bought a tube of OROZYME. It is something like a toothpaste. All you need to do is squeeze 1cm out and rub it on him hand, so that he licks it. According to the doctor it acts like an enzyme which kinda breaks down dental plaque and weaken the bacteria.

We r giving this to Hiro and Nala too. Let's see how it works in another month or two.

How To Bypass Kerberos(kinit) Authentication

Whenever you try to setuid and impersonate as someone else to run something, it is very likely that you will run into kerberos/kinit issues....